“Upgrading” My Laptop

I could feel my laptop slowing down. I had to wait 3 seconds for the word processor to catch up with my flying fingers. My memory space is in the red. 

So I spent several hours doing digital decluttering – deleting things off my laptop and external hard disk. Call it spring-cleaning! Now my laptop and external hard disk are ready for 2019.

It’s amazing how much space I “created” by deleting things. When I bought my portable hard disk I wondered if I should go for 2 TB, then I remember the minimalists.

The more space I have, the more things I’ll save. 

I cannot speak for people who use their computers to do high memory usage activities like video editing and photography, but I think most of us just have loads of photos and games and entertainment in our gadgets.

How often do we access the things we saved? 

I deleted all the movies and songs I have but never accessed. Things I saved just in case I got bored and needed to watch something. I never do. I never get bored and I never watch those movies or listen to the songs, so I deleted them. It’s just like all the things in life we have lying around just in case we need them someday.

Often, we don’t need a new gadget, we only need to examine what we’re doing with the gadget. 

Maybe, like our gadgets, our lives would become more efficient if we “deleted” the things we don’t need or never used.

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