The Best Way (to live)

It’s a brand new year! What better way to start the year than with an easy-to-digest poem? It’s titled The Best Way (to live) because I wrote it at a time when I was thinking about how I want to live my life. I hope you’ll like it.

Photo by kangbch on Pixabay

All that should have been,
is all that still can be.
Since we live, so we shall dream.

Learn from the singing poet, words flowing
like honeyed streams.
Or the sculptor carving, cool marble coming to life
beneath callused skin.

May we work on what burns
brightest in our being.

We’re born, we’ll all die.
Never to return.
So make a melody with your heartstrings,
tinker with your passion.
As long as you live,
turn dreams into creation.

To delight our ears and souls,
nourish our eyes and minds.
Because we know,
somehow we all know,
there is no better way.

When the sun sets, and it’s time to leave.
May you look back
to see a lovely trace,
a life well-lived.

I first wrote and published this poem on Medium. Since I’m no longer there, I decided to republish it on Dark Blue Journal after some tweaking. I believe that the best life is one that gives us joy and meaning. So I strongly believe that we should all try to create a life that we don’t need to escape from.

For instance, if we find ourselves dreading Mondays and crying quietly in the bathroom stalls at work, maybe it’s time to look for a more suitable job. If you have something else you’d rather be doing and can’t do it, then keep doing it in your free time.

I know it’s not always possible, but the keyword is “try”.

Life is so very precious, I think it shouldn’t be wasted doing things that make us feel miserable if we can help it.

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”

Oscar Wilde

Happy New Year and I wish you a wonderful 2022!

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