The Tarot and the Human Condition

I am not much of a doodler compared to most, but who cares, I enjoy it and I’ll keep at it and perhaps someday I’ll get good too. By @cardtakestime

I often marvel at the tarot deck, not because of its fortune-telling aspect, but more at the amount of information it holds about the human condition.

(I’m referring to the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck in this post since it’s the only one I know something about and a lot of what follows is based on my interpretation of the cards.)

The tarot deck is made up of the minor arcana and the major arcana.

The minor arcana consists of four suits – pentacles, cups, wands and swords. They represent the four elements – earth, water, fire and air, respectively, and they provide a good picture for four typical types of people. The major arcana represents ether or space, depending on what you believe.

I believe the major arcana is what everyone has to go through after they’re done being worldly. Some people would call it becoming spiritual, but I think that word comes with too much baggage.

The Four Suits in a Nutshell

  • Pentacles: The earthy types are grounded, practical and materially-inclined
  • Cups: The water types are emotional, sentimental and relationship-oriented
  • Wands: The firy types are passionate and dreamy, they love to stand for a cause and make a difference
  • Swords: The airy types are the brainy intellects, always needing to hone their minds and sharpen their arguments.

In truth, we’re usually combinations of the different elements, but that’s not to say that there isn’t something to learn from the different journey each suit takes. If you look at tarot decks, you’ll see that each suit has its own obstacles and lessons. These mirror what happens when we’re too concerned about materials, relationships, ideals or intellect.

I suspect that every human emotion can be expressed using a certain combination of the different tarot cards, even though not everyone will see the same expression in each combination. Because they’re pictures, they can be interpreted in so many different ways. It’s precisely because of this room for interpretation that allows the tarot to offer insights into our subconscious, depending on how we read the cards. See, life expresses through us!

I love the imagery in it and how well it depicts the journey from the the conscious, unconscious to the collective unconscious. There’s much to learn from the cards, but no need to get superstitious about it. I don’t think a deck of cards can or should provide advice on what to do, but it can show us what’s bothering us through the meaning we give them. And it offers a decent structure to assess our personal growth with.

The Rider Waite tarot deck is pretty damn interesting.

2 thoughts on “The Tarot and the Human Condition

  1. I know nothing about tarot and this was a really interesting read. If I wanted to get my cards read do you recommend learning more about it first or is it better to just be told what you are dealt and have it explained? Thanks for this (also is @cardtakestime you? If so I LOVE your artwork and you should be super proud!)

    1. I’m not the best person to answer the question, since I don’t know that much about tarot too, but I’ll answer it anyway.

      I prefer to do my own reading. (I only know how to do the most basic three cards reading since I’m always more interested in what’s on the cards than how to do spreads! I do intend to dig deeper into the symbolism when I have time!) I just draw the cards and look them up online to see what it represents, then think about how it applies to my life. I’m of the opinion that tarot is psychological and not magical. I’m sure some would disagree. Since we know what’s going on in our life best, I feel like we’re best suited to do the interpretation.

      But, if you’re feeling stuck and your mind’s going in circles, getting someone else to explain it for you may help you see perspectives you’ve never seen before.

      Hope that helps!

      Yes that’s me. I wanted to start an instagram with that handle, but simply didn’t have time to draw anymore. So it dead-ended.
      Thanks for appreciating my artwork, for reading and commenting! You made my day!

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